Thursday, July 11, 2013

What Not To Say To Parents of Preemies.

                            As a mother to a preemie, he was born at 36w and measured 34w, there are several things that I cannot stand that people say to me because my son is a preemie. I was talking to a group of mothers who have preemies as well and we have come up with a list of things that we CANNOT stand when people say them to us and some reasoning behind them.
  1. "Do you ever feed that child? He/she is so skinny!" Every child has to eat, just because they are a preemie doesn't mean they starve! even if they have a tube or mickey button they are still getting their nutrients that are needed!
  2. "He/she isn't a preemie because they are a toddler." Yes, No matter how old the child is if they were premature they are considered a preemie!
  3. "What did you do to make them come early?" Seriously?! Half the time a child is born early it is not the mothers fault. I had pre-eclampsia that the dumbass doctor didn't catch in time and if he wound't have come out when he did it could had ended bad for one or both of us!
  4. "You can't just keep him/her at home you have to build up his/her immune system!" or "Being around germs boosts their immune system."
  5. "They'll catch up." Depending on other health issues they may not. Even tho they are words with good intended, they are not supportive.
  6. "Oh he/she finally looks like a normal baby." or "Oh, I can't wait until he/she finally looks like a normal baby." This is not okay to say to anyone!
  7. "Atleast you didn't gain a lot of weight" or "Atleast you didn't get stretch marks." Honestly, I gained 40+ pounds but had no stretch marks. Some people who go term dont even gain lost or get stretch marks!
  8. "When is he/she coming home?" Sometimes this is unknown, it is rude to ask!
  9. "You are lucky you didn't go a full 9 months." A child needs to stay in the womb as long as possible that is why if your baby doesnt come on their own they induce you around 40-41 weeks.
  10. "He/she doesn't need that tube in his/her belly he/she is just fine." or "Why can't you force them to eat/drink? they don't need that tube!" Because you know more than the doctors right? And they may also not take a bottle or breast hence why they need the tube! Also have you ever tried to force your child to eat/drink?
  11. "You don't need to take him/her to the doctor for every little thing."
  12. "You're just being overly cautious."
  13. "Atleast you will have a small baby for a long time."
  14. "I'm not sick" as you are coughing and sneezing. 
  15. "I'm sick of being pregnant, this big, ect, I wish my baby came early too."
  16. "Atleast you get to sleep at night!" This being said to those who's child is in the hospital. 
  17. "How old is he/she? oh you are lying!" Seriously I am pretty sure I know when I brought my child into this world!
  18. "What's wrong with your baby?"
  19. "Oh, I totally know what you are going through." No you don't, unless you have a preemie STFU!
  20. "Why does he/she have that tube in their nose?" or "Why does he/she need to be on oxygen and/or monitors?"
  21. "Why do we have to sanitize our hands first?"
  22. "Why are you pumping so much, go out and have some fun!" Breast milk is actually the best thing for a preemie you should be encouraging the mother!
  23. "He's so big, there is no way he was a preemie!"
  24. "So do you think you will hold on to this one a bit longer?"
  25. If another pregnant person is talking about wanting to have there child at 37-40w and you say "Oh you wouldn't understand, you don't stay pregnant long enough!"
  26. Comparing them to "normal" babies. We don't like being reminded that our child is behind.
  27. "It would probably best if you don't have any more kids." There are some people who can't!
  28. "Is he/she going to be retarded?"
  29. "He/she is 1 why isn't he/she walking?" Not all children walk by 1, sorry to break it to ya!
  30. "It was gods will that he not be there with you. That's why he came early."
  31. "At least you didn't have to push a big baby out!" 
  32. "Why don't you let anyone hold him/her?"
  33. "A 37 weeker is a preemie." No, ask any OB/GYN.
  34. "You feel sorry for yourself? Just think how your baby feels lying in the hospital all the time!" You think I don't fucking think about my child?!?!
  35. "He/she is well now. It's all over." No it has just began, thank you.
  36. "I don't know how you do it, I wouldn't be able to handle it." Because they are my child and if you had no other choice you would do it too!
  37. "Soooo how long are they going to live?" This is not appropriate to say to anyone at any age!
I will be adding more as they come in.<3
Thanks for reading please check back in about a week or less! (: <3

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Only the good die young...

3 of my fellow classmates have passed away in the last 2-3 years.
Two being friends of mine.
On April 9th, 2011 my friend Mary passed away. She was very artistic and full of life! You knew when Mary was around and she gave nicknames to everyone! She had named me Sandia/Watermelon and she was my Rawlf. She got me through a break up and always was my pick-me-up when I was down. Was my cover when I needed one and my shoulder to cry on. Not a day goes by that I do not think of her. She impacted so many lives without even trying. Rest easy bbygirl<3
<-This is Mary and I<3

<-My tattoo of her hand writing<3

June 24, 2013 my friend Sean Bobbie passed away. He made you feel like you were his best friend.He was so positive, handsome, and always smiled. He helped me through so much and had your back no matter what. It was always funny because my mom never liked me being at his house, but he was such a sweetheart. Wish my mama would have met him...  I hope to get through this someday.... Rest easy blue eyed angel<3
<- This is Sean.<3

 Rest easy my angels.<3
Forever in our hearts and dearly missed.<3

Saturday, June 1, 2013

What is PCOS?

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a condition where a woman have an imbalance of female sex hormones. That can lead to period changes, cysts in the ovaries, trouble getting pregnant, and other health issues. It effects 1 in every 15 woman. My mother and I both have it I am not sure who else in the family has it though. There is strong evidence that it could be a genetic disease.

Symptoms it can cause dark thick hair growing in weird spots (I have some on my stomach...), acne, weight gain/trouble losing weight, very irregular periods (I have went 6 months without one and then I get my period in full effect for 2 or more weeks...), Fertility problems that can cause infertility, depression, thinning of hair on your head, and decreased breast size. Some health issues that may contribute to PCOS is diabetes, high bp, high cholesterol, and obesity.

I am not sure how you can get diagnosed with it but I didn't have my period from June 2012 until January 2013 had a lot of pain and every pregnancy test came out negative. I went into the ER and they just said they couldn't do anything for me and sent me to my normal doctor. I was then sent to an ultrasound technician who checked all of my organs. She found a lot of cystic fibers on my ovaries and noticed my uterus was growing wherever it wanted (endometriosis).

Things that can help your PCOS (that I am currently trying to do):
  • Lose 5% of your body weight.
  • birth control pills
  • Metformin prescribed by a doctor
  • follow a healthy or clean diet
  • Exercising everyday. Moderate or vigorous. I do Blogilates. Casey Ho is an amazing instructor and the things she does really are not hard. (:
  • If you smoke, try quitting. (I refuse...)

I hope this has helped you understand what I have. (:
Thanks for reading.<3

Monday, April 29, 2013

A year after childbirth...

              A year ago today, I was admitted to the hospital at 11am after being told I had protein (500+) in my urine and my blood pressure being 200+/190. Immediately they put a pill inside me to soften my cervix and after two hours of it being in I was 1cm dilated . They finally let me out of bed and had to pee. While I pee'd I felt two contractions said "Screw this" and proceeded to get an epidural. As well as the epidural I was on Pitocin and magnesium. A two drip magnesium is what that put me on and that was about to kill me and my son but the doctor didn't care. At 5pm or 530pm, I was dilated to about a 4 or 5 and they decided to pop my water. That had to of been the weirdest feeling in the world! I don't remember much after that other than every hour on the hour they cam in to check my bp and push me around make me lift myself up with lifeless legs and it honestly pissed me off.
Around 7pm that night, We were sooo tired. :/. I was on sooo many meds I had no idea what was really going on. Chris said I didn't want to stop talking, haha.

      Somehow 9am rolled around and they checked me I was about 8cm dilated, didn't think much of it and still was gorged out as ever. I made the nurse give me something to drink and "eat" since I hadn't ate since Saturday night(over 24 hours without eating) She comes back with a popsicle and a sprite, against my doctors wishes. Haha. At 11am I felt a lot of pressure, Called my mom and told her and she freaked out on me and I handed the phone to Chris. She told him that I needed to call in my nurse because if I was feeling pressure with the epidural something was going on. The nurse comes in and I tell her about my pressure and she says she can not check me for another hour, I screamed at her and said you better check me NOW! She checked me and Zander was crowning! They were trying to suffocate him. She said I couldn't push because my stupid doctor went to lunch so I was secretly pushing. At 11:20am they let me get 3 pushes and then the doctor came in I pushed again threw up and said I couldn't do it anymore. The doctor yanked my hand and made me feel his head, I pushed one more time and he was out. at 11:38 am April 30th, 2012 I had my handsome little Zander James.

My life has changed for the best since having him.<3
Thanks for reading.<3
Taylor Naomi.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Have you ever just hated a company so much?

           I honestly HATE how the company I worked for was ran. They say we need to work "as a team" but honestly it's what the manager says goes. And she is a liar. So here are reasons why I cannot stand stupid companies.

  1. The manager is a pregnant 19 year old(just turned 19 on the 12th)
  2. She got me fired because I had a nervous laugh when I just started out. And GUESS WHAT!? The bitch has a nervous laugh AND says "um" a lot on the phone. I have stopped doing anything that could potentially get me fired.
  3. The boss and manager gang up on people and just pick on them.
  4. We got bitched at for taking the trucks "everyday." We do not take the stupid trucks everyday. I'm sorry when I have to go somewhere I am going to go. How about you give me more money so I can get a car. (:
  5. We get bitched at if the machines mess up and we don't tell the boss. Well sir, the job GOT DONE and it wasn't because they weren't filled with oil, gas, diesel, it was because the burner is messed up.
  6. Not many people around town like this company to clean their restaurants.
  7. If something is forgot on the job we get bitched at.
  8. Supposedly we get a lot of call backs that we don't even know about, when I'm working we don't so something is up there.
  9. The managers baby daddy works here and gets all the big jobs and not the supervisor.
  10. They only has a supervisor so the boss can complain at someone and so they can fill up the trucks and machines and make sure they are working properly.
  11. Even when the manager doesn't technically get a job she gets 10% of however much the job is.
  12. The manager is on salary and gets paid to stay home because she is pregnant, I mean "sick." Too bad I'm not on salary, I would get paid to take care of my son!
  13. When I get yelled at because I didn't schedule enough places because there aren't any places that are due for a cleaning.
  14. The boss doesn't tell you when you are doing something wrong someone else has to.
  15. When you say one thing and everyone gets pissed at you for pointing it out.
  16. The manager lied to the boss and said she did not take my fiancée off his jobs the week he got demoted WHEN SHE DID and I showed the boss.
  17. She also wrote down that a place was due when they weren't due for 5 more months! Like dumbass, do your job CORRECTLY!!

Ugh, sorry. I needed to vent. I am soooo freaking peeved! Any tips on how to earn fast cash or get a cheap car would be greatly appreciated. (:

Thanks for reading.<3

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Babies do honestly grow up too fast

     My son will be one year old on April 30th and has grown into a curious little boy. I want to share with you what has all happened in this one year of him growing.

  1. At 3 days old he was lifting his head up perfectly.
  2. Controlling his movements, holding his own bottle, and sleeping through the night by 3 months
  3. Rolling and sitting assisted at 5 months.
  4. Sitting unassisted at 7 months.
  5. Crawling and pulling himself up at 9 months
  6. Starting to sound words and has 7 teeth at 11 months.
Those are the things just from the top of my head, but this little boy has learned so much. He can also roll a ball back and forth, clap on command and to songs, doesn't like to fall and avoids it as much as possible, very sneaky and sly, and does not take anyone's bs. (:

I love my son and he has come a very long way since being born a month early and only 5lbs 5 oz. He is nearly 22 lbs now! I honestly cannot believe it. And through the good and bad times he will always be my little man. He will soon realize how much I do for him and what he means to me.<3

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Baby Items that SHOULD NOT be bought second hand.

            I know as a new mom, or even a mother of more than one, you want to save as much money as possible when buying baby items, but do you really think about the things that you shouldn't buy second hand? I know I didn't but I pretty much bought new things anyways. So I am here to give you a list of baby items you should NOT buy second hand and the reasons why.

  1. Car Seats. These should never be bought secondhand. You want what is best for your child and when you buy a car seat secondhand it isn't as safe as you think. Do you know the history of this car seat? Do you know if it was in a car accident? Was it recalled? Was it dropped or twisted? Used incorrectly? What is the weight and height restrictions for forward and rear facing? These are all factors you need to think about.
  2. Cribs. Crib regulations change frequently and you need to know it has not been recalled, banned, or meets the standard requirements.
  3. Speaking of cribs, You never want to buy a used Crib Mattress. You don't know how old they are or if they have bed bugs or not. You don't want your bundle of joy to get bites because of bugs in a mattress would you?
  4. Breast Pumps. There is no way to be sure how sanitary they are. You can't properly sanitize them as it is. Bacteria and diseases can actually get trapped in the pumps/tubing and contaminate your pumped breast milk! They are meant for one user unless it is a hospital grade pump.
  5.  Pacifiers and Bottles. Some contain BPA and phthalate. I wouldn't want someone else to use my toothbrush so why would I want my child to use something that has been in another kids mouth getting all their bacteria?
  6. Bath Toys. Any bath items that have wholes in them like rubber ducks because they can be infested with mold since they are nearly impossible to clean.

    That is all I can think of for right now and I will keep this updated just incase something else comes to mind.

Thanks for reading.<3
Taylor Naomi

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Do you ever feel depressed?

             I am constantly in a funk because of my job or the way things are going in my life. Sometimes I just can't shake it but I have not relapsed in over a year! Yay for no cutting! But how do you truly get out of a funk? Shower, bath, read a book?

           Honestly, when I'm in a funk you can see me eating wendy's, watching this (see above), and after Zander goes to sleep, taking a bath. :P

It doesn't completely get me out of my funk but it really does help me relax.

Thanks for reading/watching.<3

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Feels like I have a newborn all over again!

               Zander has been a handful the past two days, up every two hours at night just because he can. He went to bed, the past two nights, promptly at 10 and woke up every few hours. Last night he woke up at 12am with a poopy diaper so of course I changed him and put him back to sleep. Wakes up at 2:30am took a bottle and then cried and wouldn't stop until I bounced him. 4:25 comes around he is crying horribly, I pick him up and HE PEES ALL OVER ME THROUGH HIS DIAPER! That has NEVER happened before, So I change his pants and diaper and try to give him a bottle, wasn't having that so Chris wakes up, turns the light out, and rocked him to sleep, was down about 5:10am. Wakes up, yet again, at 7am takes half a bottle and falls back asleep and is awake for the day at 9:30am.

           Please tell me this is just a phase and my amazing sleeper will return. :(

Friday, April 5, 2013

Weight Issues

I have had problems with my weight ever since I was little. I am what you would call a "weight cycler." I have my "years" pretty much. I never really changed my eating or exercise habits, my body just chooses what it wants to do, lol.

Junior year I was a size 3, Senior year I was a size 5, 2 years after graduating and a baby I am a size 13.
I was 117 when I got pregnant, by the end of pregnancy I was 150, and I am now 163. I was diagnosed with PCOS and Endometriosis. I have no idea how to break myself of my bad eating habits and little to no exercise but my son gives me the ambition to do so, he needs a healthy mom and that is what I want to give him.

Thanks for reading.<3
Taylor Naomi.