Saturday, June 1, 2013

What is PCOS?

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a condition where a woman have an imbalance of female sex hormones. That can lead to period changes, cysts in the ovaries, trouble getting pregnant, and other health issues. It effects 1 in every 15 woman. My mother and I both have it I am not sure who else in the family has it though. There is strong evidence that it could be a genetic disease.

Symptoms it can cause dark thick hair growing in weird spots (I have some on my stomach...), acne, weight gain/trouble losing weight, very irregular periods (I have went 6 months without one and then I get my period in full effect for 2 or more weeks...), Fertility problems that can cause infertility, depression, thinning of hair on your head, and decreased breast size. Some health issues that may contribute to PCOS is diabetes, high bp, high cholesterol, and obesity.

I am not sure how you can get diagnosed with it but I didn't have my period from June 2012 until January 2013 had a lot of pain and every pregnancy test came out negative. I went into the ER and they just said they couldn't do anything for me and sent me to my normal doctor. I was then sent to an ultrasound technician who checked all of my organs. She found a lot of cystic fibers on my ovaries and noticed my uterus was growing wherever it wanted (endometriosis).

Things that can help your PCOS (that I am currently trying to do):
  • Lose 5% of your body weight.
  • birth control pills
  • Metformin prescribed by a doctor
  • follow a healthy or clean diet
  • Exercising everyday. Moderate or vigorous. I do Blogilates. Casey Ho is an amazing instructor and the things she does really are not hard. (:
  • If you smoke, try quitting. (I refuse...)

I hope this has helped you understand what I have. (:
Thanks for reading.<3

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